
HYTEK, an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, was established in the year 1995 by Shri Aamod Mimani, a Mechanical Engineer with wide experience in the industries & well known for his innovative ideas.

HYTEK, that started its modest journey with manufacturing of Geysers, has evolved into a multi-product company, engaged into manufacturing and supply of out-of-box solutions to take care of your household challenges like prevention from the Mosquito / Insect attack and drying clothes with space constraints…

We, at HYTEK, understand your domestic needs and strive for delivering value-added products. The flagship products of the Company under the umbrella of its premium brand HYTEK are:

aaFULLY AUTOMATIC WATER HEATER with 5 STAR Power Saving, ISI certification.

aaMOSQUITO NETS- ELEGANT & EFFECTIVE way to bar the entry of mosquitoes and vectors carrying diseases like DENGUE etc.

aaCLOTH DRYING CEILING HANGER- No more fear of Rain! No more worries of Space Constraint! No Electricity Bills! Innovative way of drying clothes with HYTEK Ceiling Hangers.

Innovation and Improvisations are the key philosophy that drives the company to continuously raise the bar par excellence.